This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Selasa, 22 April 2014

Create A Dark Abstract Crow Photo Manipulation

In this tutorial I'll show you how to create a dark abstract photo manipulation with crows and disintegration effect. You'll learn how to create this interesting effect in an easy way, add abstract elements, create depth of field and more.


What you’ll be creating

We’ll start this tutorial by creating a black and white background, then adding model and doing some retouch on her. We’ll also create disintegration effect for the hair with the help of debris brushes. Then we’ll add other elements, such as feathers, watercolor brushes, crow and more debris. Finally we’ll add and draw some abstract decoration for model to complete this tutorial. You’ll need Photoshop CS3 or newer to follow the process.

Tutorial Resources

Step 1

Create a new document with size of 3307×2480 px and fill it with white. Press Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+N to make a new layer. Hit G to active Gradient Tool and choose Radial Gradient with color #d5d5d5 and white (#ffffff). Drag a line from the left to right:

Step 2

Go to Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Curves and decrease the lightness:
Press B to active Brush Tool and vary brush opacity from 20 to 100%. Choose Curves layer mask and paint to reduce the dark on the parts shown on screenshot below:

Step 3

Extract model and place her at the left of our main canvas:

Step 4

Click the second button at the bottom of Layer Pallete to add mask to model layer. First I used soft black brush to remove hard edges of the hair, shoulder, neck (don’t paint too much, just enough to make the edges softer). Then I painted with debris brushes on these masked edges to create a disintegration effect there. With debris brushes, I changed settings for them (press F5 to do it) as shown below:
You can choose different brushes to paint.. Here is result on my layer mask and result on picture:

Step 5

Open model stock again. Use Lasso Tool (L) to copy the hair part then put it behind the model on our main picture. Use Warp Tool (Edit-Transform-Warp) to bend this hair a little:
Add layer mask to this one with debris brushes:

Step 6

Make model and hair layers selected then press Cmd/Ctrl+G to make group for them. Change the mode of this group from Pass Through (default group mode) to Normal 100%. On hair layer, go to Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Gradient Map and pick default colors (black and white) to desaturate the model:

Senin, 21 April 2014

How to Create This Amazing Artwork of a Great Enchantress in Photoshop

Learn how to this surreal photo manipulation of an Great Enchantress with Photoshop. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create your amazing atmosphere and adventure tales with realistic shadows and lighting, then complete it with a bleak color tone effect. Throughout the tutorial, you'll learn techniques that will help you create better matte paintings and photo manipulations. Read this tutorial and find out how easy it is!


What you’ll be creating

Let’s start creating pictures by creating a landscape, then add mystical items. The next step is to create the model and work with animals. The final step will be drawing the shadows and work on atmospheric paintings, correction and adding effects. You’ll need any version of Photoshop, inspiration and good mood!

Tutorial Resources

Step 1

Begin with we will create a vast landscape for our further manipulations. I believe that we will create that – something like an amphitheater. This will give depth and mystery our picture.
Start by creating! Create a new document. Go to File > New or the short key Ctrl+ N. A blank document with size of 3000 pixels wide and 2365 pixels high. I named the document “Incantation”.

Step 2

Let’s start off adding the landscape to our manipulation. Go to File > Place and select the image of landscape.

Step 3

After addition Place a landscape in the lower right corner without changing its size.

Step 4

Duplicate the landscape 2 times. The short key Ctrl+ J.

Step 5

Transform (the short key Ctrl+ T) the layer “background copy” on the size of a little more the working document.

Step 6

Repeat the same with the last layer. Transform (the short key Ctrl+ T) the layer “background copy2” on the size of a little more the working document. Place it to the left, as shown in Figure.
All we have done is to make the landscape more and more expressive. I think that if all the original picture landscape stretch for the entire document, it is not realistic to happen and there will be little space for our next steps.

Step 7

Begin to create. You have a unique opportunity to become briefly creator and create a new piece of magical scenery :) First, add a layer mask to “background copy” By clicking on the layer mask icon in the Layers panel.

Step 8

Now take the Brush Tool (B) on the toolbar. Expose what settings Size: 200px, Hardness: 0% Opacity: 50% Flow: 100%. Press D to set the color to black and white. Be sure to brush should be soft for a smooth transition between the layers background.image9

Step 9

Begin to change. Turn off the top layer with the background by clicking on the eye icon in the Layers panel Activate the layer mask and remove the brush part of the landscape as shown. Draw black color.image10

Step 10

That’s how I got.

Step 11

If you find that an option that arranges proceed to the next layer. Add a layer mask to the layer “background copy2” and remove some of the excess. To make it easier to paint over the stone, and then invert the layer mask (the short key Shift+ Ctrl+ I).

Step 12

That’s it. Our landscape is ready. Now proceed to the creation of water. In the original image, water is not dynamic, so I decided to add dynamic waves. This will give freshness and unusual images.

Step 13

Go to File > Place and select the image of wave.

Step 14

Now transform the image placed so that a large wave was a little farther from the edge of the document and the edges of the wave touches the shore landscape and rotate the image by an angle -12, 30.

Step 15

Now duplicate the layer with the wave and transform it. Click LMB from the list, select Flip Horizontal. To apply the changes, click Enter. Move the wave a little left.

Step 16

Now duplicate the layer with the wave and change its size. Make it a little smaller and move it closer to the falls.

Step 17

Now merge the layers with a wave of the group. Click on the desired layers hold Shift and click on the folder icon in the Layers panel or the short key Ctrl+ G. Rename the group, double click on the group name and call it “wave”.

Step 18

Now remove the unwanted parts of waves that they are only in the riverbed. Add to each layer with a layer mask clicking on the mask icon in the Layers panel.

Step 19

Select the Brush Tool (B) and use the settings: Size: 200px, Hardness: 0% Opacity: 75%, Flow: 70%. Be sure to check the main color black.

Step 20

Remove unnecessary part of each layer. make invisible the upper layers by clicking the eye icon near the desired layer. So it will be easier to work.


Kamis, 17 April 2014

Edit Ganti Muka Photoshop

Edit Ganti Muka Photoshop


Bahan :

Tehnik yang dibutuhkan :
  • Selection
  • Masking
  • Color Correction
Posting kali ini berdasarkan Request Teman Kaskus di Thread Untuk Yang Lagi Belajar Photoshop  Post 68

Perhatikan hanya bagian muka foto cover DVD 17 again, pada bagian dahi tertutup rambut hampir 100% dahi tertutup rambut hingga mengenai alis sebelah kiri, ini merupakan patokan kita dalam mengganti muka, agar tampak real kita akan menyeleksi hanya bagian muka saja.

Buka Foto yang akan kita pindahkan muka nya, disini saya contohkan dengan foto adek saya, kemudian seleksi bagian muka nya saja, dengan menggunakan Lasso Tool

di Step 1 kita sudah memiliki sebuah patokan seleksi, yang hanya menyeleksi bagian muka saya tanpa menyeleksi bagian dahi juga bagian leher, setelah bagian ini terseleksi, kita pindahkan area muka yang seleksi inio ke foto Cover DVD 17 again, banyak cara memindahkan bagian seleksi, dengan Move Tool, atau pun dengan cara Drag and Drop ke Foto 17 again, tapi disini saya akan mencontohkan memindahkan bagian seleksi dengan cara Copy - Paste, agar perbendaharaan tehnik anda mejadi kaya
Tejan [Ctrl] + [C] pada keyboard. di foto yang akan anda ambil muka nya, setelah area muka nya terseleksi. lalu pindah ke area kerja foto 17 again, kemudian tekan [Ctrl]+[V].
Hasilnya akan seperti ini

akan terdapat layer baru yang bernama layer 1 di atas layer background pada foto cover DVD 17 again

Ubah ukuran layer 1 hingga menyamai muka Cover DVD 17 Again, dengan cara Klik Layer 1 pada pallete Layer Kemudian [Ctrl] + [T] ( Free Transform )

Kurang lebih seperti ini, setelah sesuaikan


Lakukan Masking pada Layer 1, klik add Layer Mask pada pallete Layer, kemudian Reset Foreground dan Background Color dengan menekan Tombol [D] Pastikan Foreground Color nya berwarna Hitam dan Background color nya berwarna Putih, kemudian Pilih Brush Tool, atur diameter dan hardness Brush dengan cara, klik kanan pada area kerja saat Brush Tool aktif disini Saya Contohkan Diameter 60 px dan Hardness Brush 0%
Sembunyikan area yang akan kita hilangkan pada Layer 1 dengan Brush Tool pastikan brush tool berwarna hitam

Hampir selesai, tinggal menyamakan warna muka Layer 1

sekarang kita samakan warna muka Layer 1 dengan Layer Background, pindahkan area kerja pada pallete layer di layer 1 ke Layer Thumbnail, perlu di ingat sebelumnya kita bekerja padaLayer Mask Thumbnail di Layer 1, sekarang kita akan bekerja pada Layer Thumbnail di Layer 1, cara memindahkan nya cukup dengan Klik 1 X Layer Thumbnail pada Layer 1

Lalu Pilih Color Balance pada Menu Bar : Image > Adjusment > Color Balance

Perhatikan warna muka Cover DVD 17 Again, warna muka nya tampak sedikit merah kekuning-kuningan, ini adalah patokan warna kita. kembali ke Color Balance, Tambahkan Warna Merah +41 Magenta -28, kemudian Yellow -22
Atur tingkat Kecerahan Layer 1, dengan Brightness / Contrast, masih tetap di menu Bar : Image > Adjustment > Brightness / Contrast, Masukkan Nilai Brightness +18 dan Contrast +10

Selasa, 15 April 2014

Photoshop Tutorial – Vintage Effect pada Photo


vintage_irenkdesign_tumbLama juga vakum gak posting di Blog. Sebenarnya ini tutorial lama, hanya saja langkah dan tekniknya saya perbaiki dan tingkatkan lagi. Sengaja saya menggunakan Photoshop CS3untuk tutorial ini karena beberapa waktu yg lalu saya menginstal CS3 d kompi, tp bagi para pengguna Photoshop CS2 atau sebelumnya gak perlu kawatir, utorial ini bs d terapkan jg kok.Baiknya kita langsung aja ke langkah tutorialnya.
Kita akan melakukan teknik editing tanpa merubah sedikitpun image aslinya. Buka image yg akan di edit. Pilih Layer -> New Adjusment Layer -> Brightness/Contras. Tambahkan Nilai kontrasnya menjadi 30.
vintage-effect_irenkdesign_dian-sastro vintage_irenkdesign1
Buat New Gradient Map Layer dengan cara Layer -> New Fill Layer -> Gradient. Pilih gradient Violet,Orange. Kurangi Opacitynya menjadi 15% saja.
Layer -> New Adjusment Layer -> Exposure. Atur Nilai Gamma menjadi 0.80.
Layer -> New Adjusment Layer -> Brightness/Contras. Ubah nilai Brightness menjadi 19.
Layer -> New Fill Layer -> Solid Color. Isi dengan warna #00f6ff. Rubah Mode Layernya ke Overlay dan Opacity 10%
Buat lagi, Layer -> New Fill Layer -> Solid Color. Isi dengan warna #00d480. Rubah Mode Layernya keOverlay dan Opacity 8%
Buat sekali lagi, Layer -> New Fill Layer -> Solid Color. Isi dengan warna #009ced. Rubah Mode Layernya keOverlay dan Opacity 5%
Buat New Gradient Map Layer. Atur warna gradientnya seperti gambar berikut. Ubah Mode Layernya menjadiScreen dan Opacitynya 25% saja.
Pilih Layer -> New Adjusment Layer -> Brightness/Contras. Tambahkan Nilai kontrasnya menjadi 50.
Doubel Klik pada layer yang bersangkutan jika kita ingin mengubah pengaturannya. Inilah hasil akhir yang didapat, selamat mencoba dan berkreasi…..